Leadership programme - Year 6
Year 6 is the last year we have where we can have an impact on our brilliant children before they leave for secondary schools. We also know that our Year 6 children are the best of the best. They are our examples to younger children. They are the pinnacle of what we want all children to aspire to.
To help build that learner, we run a leadership programme in each child’s last year of primary school where everyone will take on a leadership role within the school. Each child is asked to select three roles they would like to take on, and then they write a letter of application to Ms Caswell and Mr Howes to state why they think they are suitable for the role. Interviewed for the position, each child will then be assigned a leadership role which is overseen by a named adult in the school which they will stay in until we wave them a teary goodbye in July! See below for the current leadership roles we use.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Receiving training from the Diana Memorial Award Foundation, we select a group of Year 6 children to become a playground resource for the children to talk to, if they feel that bullying is happening to themselves or others, and to promote and build on the strong anti-bullying approach across the whole federation.
Student Leadership
Forming our school council, our Student Leadership team can have a direct role in shaping the school. From interviewing new starters to meeting with the Exec Headteacher, no role is bigger in the school, so it takes resilience and determination to succeed in this role!
Kitchen Committee
We love our school dinners at Riverside, but we don’t rest on our laurels here. The Kitchen Committee will help Cheryl (our Kitchen Manager) with menu setting and even taste testing new options. They’ll also be Secret Diners from time-to-time offering feedback on the quality of what we serve. Eventually, they’ll be helping in the hall serving too - larger portions of chips are of course a given!
Playground Leaders
‘Can I play?’ can be a common question in the playground and our Playground Leaders will always say, ‘Yes!’. Organising and running activities over breaks, our leaders will be trained and overseen by Ms Doty and will help make the playground a fun and inclusive space for all.
Library Leaders
Reading is at the core of learning, and a functioning library can be the heartbeat of a school. Every two weeks, each class head to the library to talk, celebrate and live and breathe books. Our Librarians not only make sure it’s a well-organised and welcoming space, they check our stock is modern and varied and even write and invite authors to visit the school.