How we care for our children
Children's well-being is more important now than ever. Anxiety about viruses, exams or transition to secondary school can play on their minds and cause distress.
We have a number of ways we help the children in school such as:
Well-being Wednesdays
The children reflect on different issues each week such as kindness or being positive. This often incorporates Circle Times where the children have opportunity to speak and hear what other children think.
Worry boxes
Each class has a worry box in which the children are encouraged to share any anxieties or concerns they which the teacher will then address in class. These can be anonymous and children can ask for this to be a private discussion
Talking and Drawing
We run this programme internally and it provides an opportunity for a child to share time one-to-one with an adult who will listen and talk with them about anything that's on their mind. We find that doing this whilst drawing relaxes children and helps them feel less self-conscious about talking.
Often the themes of our assemblies addresses directly issues such as bullying and online safety to help remind the children of how they can cope when challenged in such circumstances.
More resources for families
Advice if your child is feeling uncertain or worried…
Looking for a particular service outside of school for you or your family?
Well-being kit for families
Need some support?
As a school, Riverside is dedicated to supporting our children and families get the support they need to improve their well-being, and if you need to speak to anyone at the school - be it a member of the Senior Leadership Team or your child's class teacher - get in touch with us here, through Classdojo, a note handed in by your child or contact the office.