At Riverside Junior School we are committed to inclusion and equal opportunities. We work closely with parents and other agencies in order to ensure that all pupils are able to successfully access the curriculum. We are dedicated to ensuring that our school is a place where everyone feels welcome and where all pupils can learn. Our consistently high expectations and inclusive teaching practices ensure that Riverside is a school where children can achieve their best.
Our provision
Like most schools, we have a number of pupils who have additional educational needs. Such needs may include:
Specific learning difficulties
Communication needs
Medical conditions
Behavioural needs
Children with additional or special educational needs may need extra help and support from us and here at Riverside we have a dedicated team of specialist practitioners, support assistants and other adults who, alongside class teachers, will provide support for those children who have additional educational needs.
To ensure that children’s individual needs are met and the necessary support is given, we also liaise with a range of external services from across Calderdale (please see our parent’s information leaflet for more information).
We also esteem the Protected Characteristics as defined in the Equalities Act 2010 (as shown in the diagram).
As part of a rich and diverse community in Hebden Bridge we know one of the strengths of the school is how we celebrate and promote this inclusive attitude in the children.
Through assemblies and PSHE lessons, we deepen and reflect the children’s understanding to ensure no child feels left out, excluded or unrepresented whilst at Riverside.
Our Support
Riverside provides a wide range of additional interventions and strategies to help pupils achieve their full potential. We have a fantastic team of staff who deliver targeted support and encourage a ‘can do’ attitude amongst our pupils.
We have a variety of interventions that are delivered in class through our support staff. More details of these can be found on our whole school provision map.
Outside of the classroom we have an experienced team of practitioners who deliver interventions additional to the whole class provision. Miss Longbottom’s role focuses primarily on supporting cognition and learning needs through a multi sensory approach. She also has a great understanding of communication and interaction needs and offers support to a number of pupils across school.
We also have an internal support programme for social, emotional and mental health needs offering a range of interventions such as Drawing and Talking, Social Stories and SULP. Children are provided with regular one to one and group sessions to support their emotional development and wellbeing.
We also have a regular team of external services who provide further social and emotional support. These include:

Contact our SENDCO.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your child’s needs, please contact Mrs Bright via our contact form or via email lbright@stubbings.calderdale.sch.uk
If the matter is urgent, please contact the front office on 01422 842154.