The school day
8.30am - 8.45am
Soft start - in the morning we have a ten minute window for the children to make their way straight into school. This allows time for a catch up with friends on the way to the classroom, and for the teacher to welcome each of them personally. The register is taken at 8.45am.
8.45am - 10.45am
Our first lesson of the day - often Maths - where we cover quickfire recall of facts, before moving onto the day's new learning. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we also have an assembly for 20 minutes led by one of our senior leaders.
10.45am - 11am
Break time!
11am - 12.05pm
Our second lesson - often English - in this session we always have 20 minutes of guided reading a day.
12.05pm - 1pm
Come and grab something to eat in our award winning kitchen.
1pm - 2pm
Our first afternoon lesson covering the rest of our extended curriculum - this could be PE, Computing, History or Art...
2pm - 3pm
...or Design and Technology, Spanish, RE or Science. We teach a lot because we love to learn!
3pm - 3.15pm
Class story and time to go home.
This means Riverside provides 32.5 hours of weekly education, in line with government expectations.