Remote learning
The pandemic presented schools with the challenge of supporting our children’s learning whilst at home, and our amazingly committed and talented staff rose to this challenge brilliantly. During the second lockdown, we supported learning at home via the following means:
A daily selection of lessons covering at least: 1 English, 1 Mathematics and 1 other lesson from the extended curriculum, e.g. Science, Humanities
Morning Zoom register led by the class teacher at 9:30am to help the children’s motivation to start the day’s learning
Twice daily Zoom sessions to introduce the morning’s learning on Maths and English learning - with opportunity for any child still unsure to remain in the session for additional support before tackling independent tasks
Each lesson had supporting videos, PowerPoints and documents to aid teaching and learning
Feedback to learning submitted through Classdojo
Weekly catch-up calls home to speak one-2-one with children
Whilst we’re (hopefully) over the worst of the pandemic, it still remains a possibility that we’ll need to provide remote learning in the event a child is absent due to contracting the virus, or a whole class/school is instructed to close. In order to give our families an idea of what support they can expect in these situations, please see below.
Your child has to isolate
In the unfortunate event your child has to self-isolate for ten days, we will provide remote learning to them for each school day they’re absent.
Their class teacher will be in touch with you as soon as possible to work out how best we can provide this, e.g. do you have a working printer at home etc…? They will also agree days and times to call and touch base with your child to help them feel remembered whilst away.
Unfortunately, as the rest of the class will still be in school and the class teacher will be taking them, we won’t be able to provide Zoom sessions to support your child individually.
The whole class has to isolate
If the school is instructed to close a whole class by Public Health Calderdale, all learning will revert to remote provision, as detailed above.
If the class teacher is unwell and unable to deliver any aspect of remote learning, e.g. planning or Zoom sessions, then another member of staff will step in to provide remote learning in their stead.
The whole school is closed
If for any reason the whole school is closed for a protracted period of time to counteract the infection rates, each class will revert to a remote learning provision as in previous lockdowns.
On top of this, the school will more than likely be instructed to retain an on-site provision for vulnerable children and children of designated key workers. If this is the case, the school will send out communication nearer the time detailing how to apply for a place in this provision.
Need for equipment
Remote learning depends upon a certain level of technological provision in the home. The school does have a limited number of laptops that can be loaned out to children where this is the case; we may also be able to help with broadband routers etc…
If you are struggling to support your child because of this, please use the form to get in touch and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.