Uniform (and how to get it)
Riverside children are expected to wear our school uniform displaying the Riverside logo.
Emerald green polo shirt with Riverside logo
Black hoody with Riverside logo
Black trousers, skirt or leggings
Suitable black shoes/trainers (no colours or logos)
Children play outside almost every day, and therefore need to bring a coat with them. They need sensible shoes which parents are happy for them to play out in.
A P.E. kit is available to purchase from school and consists of a black T-Shirt with the Riverside logo on. Children can either wear black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
All children will be expected to remove jewellery (including ear-rings) for P.E. to avoid injury to themselves and others. If your child cannot remove earrings independently, please take them out at home on PE and swimming days. We cannot accept responsibility for lost jewellery.
To increase the amount of time children are involved in PE, they are allowed to arrive at school already changed and ready.
Riverside Rucksack
As the children are bringing more equipment into the school, we’ve created a rucksack with the Riverside logo on that can not only hold all of their belongings adequately, but shows off our school as they coolly go about town!
How to order
All uniform (apart from shoes) can be purchased through the online shop at School Money. If you need a password reminder please inform the school office. We also have a selection of pre-loved uniform available.
If you have any financial difficulty in meeting the cost of school uniform please contact the school office.