Design & Technology at Riverside
Design and Technology should be an inspiring subject. In an age when schools cannot predict the jobs the children they teach will undertake in twenty years, Design and Technology is a subject that can bridge that skills gap. The skills, technique and processes that are applied within Design and Technology can be applied across so much more: risk taking; innovating; research and evaluation.
At Riverside Junior School we promise that each child will:
· Cook in every year group
· Take risks using and selecting real life tools in the creating of prototypes and products
· Research and critique their own and others products/ideas
· Learn about real life designers within the UK who were at the forefront of innovation inspiring their own process
· Learn how design has shaped and changed products within and without the family home
Find out more about studying Design & Technology
Try these links and resources
As part of food technology learn about how to make healthy recipes at home through this link to the NHS website for Healthier Families
Healthy eating: What young children need (BBC Good Food Guide)
Ideas for DT projects to complete at home through this link
Our Design & Technology Gallery
“Actually hammering and sawing things has been great fun!”
— Year 5 child