Religious Education at Riverside
RE is a way of bridging understanding between cultures and faiths which in a world where the potential for misinformation and misconceptions are manifold, effective RE teaching develops the cultural capital and mutual respect that children need in the 21st century.
Believing and belonging…
At Riverside, we follow the agreed Calderdale syllabus entitled Believing and Belonging, which you can download a copy of here. The reason for this is for two reasons:
1.) This is the same syllabus that our infant schools follow, so the learning, knowledge and understand can continue to grow as our children move up from key stage one and complete their key stage two learning. On top of this, Calder High School and the other secondaries schools within Calderdale, will carry this on once they leave us.
2.) Calderdale has many diverse faiths and beliefs and this syllabus was written representative of these and as the children are growing up within these very communities, utilising any other syllabus seemed inappropriate.
Educational visits
It’s one thing to learn about faith in the classroom, but as we are blessed with a multitude of places of worship in Calderdale, we grasp every opportunity to take the children on visits whether that be the Hope Baptist Church in Hebden Bridge itself, or the Halifax Mosque.
For a list of all the places on our doorstop we like to incorporate into learning click this link here.
Recent RE Visits
“I’d never seen the inside of a mosque before…it was fascinating!”
— Year 6 child